Name : Anka Hlousek-Radojcic
Title:Associate Professor
Discipline:Biological Sciences
Introduction :
Alenka Hlousek-Radojcic is an associate professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at University of Delaware. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Molecular Biology degree from the Michigan State University.
Ph.D. 1992 Department of Plant Biology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
M.S. 1986 Molecular Biology of the Cell, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
B.S. 1983 Experimental Biology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Academic Appointments
2010 –present : ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR of Biology, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware.
2003 – 2010: ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR of Biology, Richard Bland College of the College of William and Mary, Petersburg, Virginia.
Jan 2008 – Aug 2008 : FULBRIGHT SENIOR LECTURER, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal.
1997 – 2003: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR of Biology, Richard Bland College of the College of William and Mary, Petersburg, Virginia.
Specialty & Achievement
Teaching Interests
She currently teaches Introductory Biology, General Chemistry.
Research Interests
Dr. Alenka’s research interests include plant development and plant lipid metabolism. Her research has been published in such top academic journals as the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, Plant Physiology, Plant Journal, and Nucleic Acids Research, etc. Dr. Alenka also participated in some top research projects. She was the leader for National Biotechnology Teacher Leader Program, lead-teacher for Microbes and Biofrontiers courses at the University of Richmond, Virginia, and support scientist for StarNet Human Genome Sequencing Program, University of Washington. She was a co-PI on the National Science Foundation supported project that implemented inquiry-based curriculum in an introductory biology course (2006 -2008).