Title: Professor
Email: y.zhang@swufe.edu.cn
Introduction: Yu ZHANG is a professor at School of Business Administration, Southwestern University of Financial and Economics. He received his Doctorate from Northeastern University in 2017 and was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Industrial and Systems Engineering at National University of Singapore.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Industrial and Systems Engineering, National University of Singapore,2018
Ph.D., Systems Engineering, Northeastern University, 2017
Ph.D., Decision Science, National University of Singapore, 2016
B.E., Automation, Northeastern University,2012
Specialty & Achievement
Teaching Interests
He currently teaches Optimization Theory and Application, Analysis and Design of Logistics System, Supply Chain Management.
Research Interests
His research interests include Robust Optimization, Supply Chain Management. His research has been published in such top academic journals as Operations Research, Mathematical Programming, Omega, etc.